wherever goose greek is.


cutting the sun.

iowa i guess.


they're only ten.

before the grading blade.

cotopaxi: renewal

ways of softening

white is every color

getting there

everyone leaves michigan

from the cold desert earth

first snow

yellow city

Saturday, January 30, 2010



Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:31:27 PM

i could not get out of bed this morning. citta tried to wake me with kisses and snorts every time the alarm sounded. i hid under the blankets from each of her attacks, even though the air became dense and difficult to breathe. she loves the morning, as you know, trailing at my heels wherever i roam and flaunting everything that is hers. my yard! my bed! my food dish! my water! my brother! so hard to discipline an entertaining child.

i got caught up in exploring sanskrit last night. it is no wonder the language is studied like a religion, ceremonial, symbolic, ideological. frayer thinks he is clever designing concept maps and graphic organizers to help young minds absorb new words. but sanskrit is an original anthology of concept maps. volumes and volumes of archaic, affiliated transliterations. one word means heart, mind, intention, aim, memory, reflection, wish, all of these. interesting how ancient things seem closer to god. (why i love antique malls.) :)
it occurred to me as i shined my heart to the earth in yoga class tonight that sanskrit is the revived liturgical language of hinduism and buddhism, which is fascinating because one of my 2010 intentions is to study eastern religion, and i did not know what this meant until now.
yesterday morning i announced to my students that we were off on our boat to a faraway land in the east, and as we exited onto the shore, dawn was creeping. and we gazed from the indian sun to the faces of our friends and greeted each other in sanskrit.
our greeting commences the day, and we always choose some form of transportation to arrive wherever we might speak it.
last week we flew to haiti in a unicef cargo plane.
they say good morning in seventy-six languages.

things seem to be healing with tsuki. he gets his last injection tomorrow, which is a relief since i am not convinced i have executed the other nine properly. he cries each time, once squirming away with the syringe still fixed in his skin. i was told to pull back initially, confirming that i have not hit a vein, but there is really no time for precautions. tomorrow morning i will drop him off for yet another bandage change, and will spend the day practicing remembering to pick him up after school before class. linguistic analysis of english. we will see how that goes.

i am sleepy. my mind reels with one thousand anecdotes for every thought that surfaces, or doesn’t:
i enjoy the trickling water from the fish tank. it is the real reason i have not yet returned it to school.
getting into instant coffee. tragic or trendsetting?
the very tall plant looks melancholy and i do not know what else to try.
i am craving a food i haven’t experienced.
dishwasher is broken again and the water’s been sitting for a week and i can’t remember who fixed it last time and seem to have no paperwork backing the lifetime guarantee i recall or imagined.
i need to reach out more. i need to reach out more.
tomorrow is only thursday.
sleep is a gift.
